Lixuan Luo

I am a Computer Science Student at University of Toronto, currently pursing MASc degree in MIE deparment under the supervision of Professor Mariano Consens. I work on block chain, data analysis and machine learning.

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  • Sep 2019: I started my master in University of Toronto in MIE department.
  • Jun 2019: I finished my bachelor degree with computer science specialist, statistic minor and math minor in University of Toronto!

To be continue to finish......


I'm interested in block chain, machine learning and computer vision. My current research is about analysis the gas costs, events and logs in the Ethereum block chain.

Single Image Portrait Relighting
Tiancheng Sun, Jonathan T. Barron, Yun-Ta Tsai, Zexiang Xu, Xueming Yu, Graham Fyffe, Christoph Rhemann, Jay Busch, Paul Debevec, Ravi Ramamoorthi
video / bibtex

Training a neural network on light stage scans and environment maps produces an effective relighting method.

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